Share with me some insight on the current film “Legend of the Red Reaper?”
Legend of the Red Reaper started out as joke. I've been scream queen of the month, and Courtney Solomon from An American Haunting was doing the Ms. Horrorfest competition. My director and I had this idea for me to be slaying demons in the back yard, as this character "The Red Reaper.” We showed the clip at Screamfest and it was such a huge hit, we decided to turn it into a feature length film.
Shot on a low budget the film now has a decent sized International following my rool consisted of a lot of sword fighting along with training to do some really crazy stunt work.I've been working with these guys who do something called Parkour.
Parkour is the art of running away. Led by Justice Maynard we’ve turned it into a fighting style. Our demons run up walls, trees, and jump on people. We're working on incorporating my abilities into some extra fights for me.
I was looking through your site, wow, you have done a lot of things, tell me about some of productions you worked on? My last two films, “Genius” and “Delivery” were the most fun to work on. In Genius I play an opera singer who borders on insanity. My director asked me to lip sync in German, Italian and French. So I learned a little of those languages, studied some opera, and have a subsequent huge respect for opera singers. It takes quite a bit of abdominal work to hold those notes!
“Delivery” was filmed in Orlando, and released by Warner Brothers. I play the second lead against Matt Nelson, who is 16 inches taller than I am. It's a slasher flick, very well written, with a nice plot line. That was the main thing that attracted me to the role. I had fun playing the incredibly dorky girl next door. The director was concerned that I might not be a good match for Matt, but I did win him over with my geek routine!
Regarding acting, tell us about some of the plays and films that you were involved with? I was the president of the theatre club in college, and was either in rehearsal or on stage for 2 solid years. I really miss being involved in theatre.
I got to do a lot of the greats, Tennessee Williams, some Shakespeare. One of my favorite roles was playing a precocious 14 year old in the "Fifth of July". I was the oldest member of the cast!
I played it like an early Scarlett O'Hara. I went a little overboard on closing night though-and gave myself a concussion.
Prior to that I did the usual community stuff, and three years at the Renaissance Festival.
What is the Rescuers site all about? The Rescuers is a television concept created by the brilliant and talented Matt Dean. He is the genius! It is based on true stories of rescue and extraction missions by mercenary types who get civilians out of really, really bad situations. I play Jesse, the in-over-her-head leader of the motley crew who takes over the business after the death of her father. Inexperienced, with a lot to prove, and lives hanging in the balance.
I know that you were involved with Screamfest in the past, do you have any plans to make any other appearances, if so, when/when will they be? Screamfest was a BLAST! I spent 3 solid days signing autographs, posters, artwork and meeting people. As soon as my schedule lightens up I will definitely be making more appearances.
Do you have any advice for actors and actresses just starting out? Yes. Get ready to work 18 hour days. If you are prepared and work hard and lucky enough to get cast in a role, be sure to show up on time. Never complain. Always have a kind word and a smile for your cast and crew. And of course the usual stuff. Get professional head shots, an agent, and an industry standard resume. Take classes. You never can never be too good, or too prepared. Keep it natural and real. Never force an emotion. And always remember to WIN!
Is the a tentative release date for “The Red Reaper?” We're tentatively scheduled for December-ish.
Thank you very much Tara for taking the time to be interviewed and best of luck with your continuing career.
For more information go to: www.indifilmshop.com & www.taracardinalactress.com
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